Saturday, July 22, 2006 Life as an Enchantment.
I do believe that there are many cultures that understand the concept of enchantment. Whether in folklore or in awareness, human beings have the ability to recognize states of mind. I am deeply affected by both these venues for seeing enchantment. It is apparent that all cultures have fairy tales which support the notion of journey or enchantment. I cannot think of my life’s journey without reference to the fairytales that I grew up with. They are a reflection of western culture’s sub-consciousness. And ignorant that I am of eastern culture, I still have absorbed its recognition of states of mind. I believe that the many stages of life that we go through are but the entering and leaving of different enchantments.
So what is an enchantment but being spellbound, and spells do indeed abound. Spells reflect a reality that we believe exists. Awareness comes in understanding our unquestioning acceptance of the comfort we derive from a specific state of mind. Even if it is painful, at some level there is an acceptance of its purpose, which is usually self-definition.
For don't we define ourselves by our feelings? It would appear that spells enable feelings we then use to create self-image. Feelings we would rather tolerate than replace because we believe that there are only two kinds of states of mind. In a world that believes in only darkness or light, there is this belief in limited choice. That is truly a spell if I ever heard of one. It serves us equally to be victim or oppressor as long as it gives us definition, and our life’s definition appears to revolve around validating or discrediting our state of mind.
In conclusion, I would return to the concept of deity. With a certainty of heart, I would assert that our definition of God or the Universe will always reflect our definition of self as victim or oppressor, rarely occupying that place of intuition and trust which speaks of openness, the awareness that there could be a mind behind our mind.